The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

My Penn State experience had me grow up in so many ways. Starting out badly I floundered in my freshman year. I wanted to be a doctor in high school, but did not understand all the dedication it took. I loved Gymnastics and was humiliated as a freshman, being a walk-on with little talent on a team more elite that the football team. I quit the team and did not know what was going to happen with my future. At the lowest point I contemplated ending my life. Something would not let me. I thought no one cares if I end my life or not. The world will go on and eventually no one would remember me or care. I determined that the only person who could help me is me. So I pulled myself back up, re-dedicated myself to study and took Gymnastics for gym class. My grades turned around and the next year the gymnastics coach brought me back on the team. I met a wonderful young woman and learned about love, jealousy and the ache of love lost. In 1978 earned my degree in Bio-Physics and in Gymnastics earned a varsity letter starting on pommel horse. I was ready to conquer the world!